eco-friendly product

sustainable living

How to Start Sustainable Living and Eco-friendly Lifestyle?

To start living sustainably and adopt an eco-friendly lifestyle, focus on reducing your use of plastics, conserving water, minimizing food waste, and choosing sustainable transport and materials. Plastics have become a vital asset for humanity. It’s the kind of material that sounds borderline–pie–in–sky: durable, flexible, versatile, cheap, and long-lasting. Understandably, we have included it in […]

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Cassava Eco-Friendly Bags

Cassava Eco-friendly Bags: Ideal Replacement to Toxic Plastic

In order to mitigate the worldwide epidemic of non-biodegradable and non-compostable plastic bags, Ecomaniac has introduced a viable alternative: Cassava Eco-Friendly Bags. These biodegradable and compostable bags are manufactured from starch extracted from the plants. Some manufacturers also add vegetable oil to the products to ensure quick degradation. Furthermore, their nature significantly improves the environment,

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Biodegradable Products

Biodegradable Products: An Initiative To Save Mother Earth!

Can you hear the call from Mother Earth? Do you fancy a clean and healthy environment? Then, what are you waiting for? It’s time to be an EcoManiac! Take the initiative and spread awareness! Increase the use of biodegradable products to make the future worth living for the next generation. These products are true friends

Biodegradable Products: An Initiative To Save Mother Earth! Read More »

Excellent Eco-friendly Products

4 Excellent Eco-Friendly Products to Promote a Sustainable Future

The Industrial Revolution might’ve been a boon for the advancement of humanity. But it also paved the way for the rampant production of plastic goods. These toxic products have invaded our lifestyle, and it is difficult to stop using such products. However, disastrous climate events like global warming and rising sea levels have urged scientists

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Cornstarch Products Replacement Plastics

Cornstarch Products: A Viable Replacement For Plastics Goods

Our Mother Earth is dying a slow death! And we humans are the reason. Since the renaissance, the industrial revolution in different parts of the world created machines to make our life easier. This, at the same time, adversely impacted the overall health of our mother Earth. Today, pollution is a global issue that needs

Cornstarch Products: A Viable Replacement For Plastics Goods Read More »

Eco-Friendly Packaging Alternatives

Eco-Friendly Packaging Alternatives to Plastics for Businesses

Have you ever wondered about the amount of plastics produced in the world? Ever realized the impact of its use in society? Look around you, in your office or in your house. How many plastic containers do you use and how many are made of other materials? Plastics have been industrially produced since 1950. A

Eco-Friendly Packaging Alternatives to Plastics for Businesses Read More »