Eco-Friendly Product

Discover a world of eco-friendly product that redefine sustainability. From biodegradable packaging to renewable materials, each product is thoughtfully crafted with the planet in mind. Embrace conscious consumption and make a positive impact with every purchase. Join the movement towards a greener future.

how to make organic candles

How To Make Organic Candles You Can Try At Home?

Scented candles are increasingly popular due to pleasing fragrances which provide calming and soothing sensations. Unfortunately, a health issue is linked to these kinds of candles. They are commonly made of paraffin which may be toxic because it is derived from petroleum. When burned, petroleum releases potentially harmful chemicals such as toluene and benzene, carcinogenic

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How To Make Natural Food Coloring

How To Make Natural Food Coloring From Plant-Based Ingredients?

How to make natural food coloring? Well, that’s easy. But the question is, is that necessary? With the growing culinary world, it’s no wonder that people demand a variety of foods. Apart from taste, one thing that attracts consumers to buy food is the appealing color. Color is included in one of the sensory components

How To Make Natural Food Coloring From Plant-Based Ingredients? Read More »

Natural Deodorant Ingredients

How To Make Natural Deodorant At Home EASILY! (7 Steps)

Having a bad body odor is indeed very bothersome and makes you feel insecure. Body odor is generally caused by the interaction between salt in your sweat and bacteria. To solve this issue, people will usually use antiperspirants to suppress sweat production and eliminate the smell. However, this commercial product contains aluminum which can trigger

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biodegradable clothes

Biodegradable Clothes: The Revolution of Fashion Industry

In recent years, the fashion industry has been under scrutiny for its impact on the environment. The production of traditional clothing, which often involves the use of synthetic fibers and chemicals, contributes to pollution and waste. As a result, many consumers are turning to more eco-friendly options, including biodegradable clothing. Biodegradable clothes are made from

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biodegradable loofah

Biodegradable Loofah: The Future of Sustainable Showering

The future of sustainable showering is here with the introduction of biodegradable loofah. This natural, environmentally-friendly alternative to traditional shower loofahs is made from plant-based materials and is designed to decompose over time. Not only does this provide a more sustainable option for daily showering, but it also reduces the amount of plastic waste that

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Biodegradable Toilet Paper

Biodegradable Toilet Paper: The Environmentally Friendly Alternative

Unlike most Asian, African, and Middle East countries that rely on bidets to wash away their excretion, people in America and the EU highly depend on toilet paper. This can be seen when the COVID-19 pandemic hit in late 2019. Toilet paper was listed among rare items because many people bought it in large quantities.

Biodegradable Toilet Paper: The Environmentally Friendly Alternative Read More »

Biodegradable Sunscreen

Biodegradable Sunscreen: The Reef-Friendly Skincare Product

What comes to your mind when you hear the word “sunscreen”? Most of you will immediately get the idea that it is one of the popular beauty care products that focus on sun protection. Some love sunscreen products with SPF 30. Meanwhile, others who like outdoor activities prefer SPF 50, which can protect skin from

Biodegradable Sunscreen: The Reef-Friendly Skincare Product Read More »