Wahid Afandi

Wahid is a fervent advocate for sustainability, environmentalism, and eco-friendly living. With a Bachelor's degree in Communications, he possesses a unique ability to convey complex environmental issues in an accessible and compelling manner. Over the years, Wahid has delved deep into the world of sustainability, not just as a topic of academic interest, but as a personal mission. His journey began with a simple curiosity about the world around him. This curiosity soon transformed into a passion as he realized the profound impact that individual and collective actions can have on our planet. From researching innovative eco-friendly solutions to penning thought-provoking articles on environmental challenges, Wahid has dedicated himself to raising awareness and driving change. As a member of Ecomaniacs, Wahid is committed to promoting a lifestyle that harmonizes with nature. He believes that every small step, whether it's reducing waste, supporting sustainable brands, or advocating for policy changes, can make a significant difference. Through his writings and engagements, he hopes to inspire others to join the movement towards a greener and more sustainable future.

how to make bioplastic from orange peels

How to Make Bioplastic from Orange Peels? (A Step-By-Step Guide)

To make bioplastic from orange peels, blend the peels into a pulp, mix with water, glycerin, and optional sodium alginate, then heat until a gel forms. Pour the mixture into molds, let it dry, and you have biodegradable plastic. How to make bioplastic from orange peels, you ask? Well, let’s break down a brief background […]

How to Make Bioplastic from Orange Peels? (A Step-By-Step Guide) Read More »

do consumers care about sustainability

Eco Dilemma: Do Consumers Care about Sustainability?

Yes, consumers do care about sustainability, as evidenced by their preference for eco-friendly products and brands that align with their environmental values. You must be aware that there is an increasing trend related to sustainable lifestyles emerging in society today. People demonstrate their sustainability interests by purchasing eco-friendly products. In the market, sustainable brands are

Eco Dilemma: Do Consumers Care about Sustainability? Read More »

Air Pollution

Don’t Just Breathe Easy: How Air Pollution is Wrecking Your Skin?

In the current world, air pollution is more than an environmental hazard; it’s a stealthy aggressor against our skin. The air we rely on for life is laced with harmful pollutants that not only harm our respiratory health and contribute to climate change but also have a detrimental effect on our skin. These unseen pollutants

Don’t Just Breathe Easy: How Air Pollution is Wrecking Your Skin? Read More »

Eco-conscious Term

Eco-conscious vs Eco-friendly Practices: Understanding the Differences

Lately, awareness regarding the environmental impact of human activities has been on the rise, thanks to the surge in sustainable lifestyles. People are starting to realize that we only have one planet that we need to protect.  Hence, they are beginning to adopt eco-friendly practices in their sustainable living. Alongside this, there are two terms

Eco-conscious vs Eco-friendly Practices: Understanding the Differences Read More »

microplastics in antarctica

Microplastics Reach Antarctica’s Pristine Heartland

Beneath the ethereal aurora borealis, where glaciers shimmer like diamond castles and penguins waddle across pristine snow, a silent threat creeps into the heart of Antarctica. Microplastics, those insidious fragments of plastic pollution smaller than a sesame seed, have infiltrated this seemingly untouched wilderness. They lurk in frozen tears of ancient ice, dance unseen in

Microplastics Reach Antarctica’s Pristine Heartland Read More »

Sustainable Living Trends

Sustainable Living Trends That Could Take Root in 2024

As we find ourselves in 2024, whispers of a new era are increasing. It’s an era where environmental consciousness isn’t just a niche movement, but a groundswell of collective action. And at the forefront of this movement is a burgeoning trend: sustainable living. Sustainable living isn’t about drastic lifestyle overhauls or draconian sacrifices. It’s about

Sustainable Living Trends That Could Take Root in 2024 Read More »

microplastics harming global soil

AI Predicts Apocalyptic Future for Farms: How Microplastics Harming Global Soil?

Imagine not just the vast, churning oceans, but the very earth beneath your feet, under siege. An insidious army, invisible to the naked eye, has infiltrated the fertile cradle that nourishes our crops and sustains our lives: microplastics. These tiny warriors, smaller than a sesame seed, weave their way silently into the fabric of our

AI Predicts Apocalyptic Future for Farms: How Microplastics Harming Global Soil? Read More »

How to solve environmental problems

Nature’s SOS: How to Solve Environmental Problems Before It’s Too Late!

To effectively solve environmental problems, it’s crucial to embrace sustainable living practices and make environmentally conscious choices in daily activities. These efforts, when adopted widely, can lead to significant positive impacts on the environment. Speaking of how to solve environmental problems, we first need to understand the root causes that are currently causing our Earth

Nature’s SOS: How to Solve Environmental Problems Before It’s Too Late! Read More »

The Link Between Microplastics and Fertility

Shocking Link: How Microplastics in Human Fertility May Affect You!

Microplastics are plastic particles that occur in sizes around 1 to 1,000 μm, making them a concern, knowing they can easily enter our ecosystem. According to data from UNESCO, there are about 50 to 75 trillion pieces of plastic and microplastics floating in our oceans. It’s bad news because they can end up on our

Shocking Link: How Microplastics in Human Fertility May Affect You! Read More »

decorative glitter contributes to microplastic pollution

How Decorative Glitter Contributes to Microplastic Pollution?

Imagine a world where oceans shimmer like disco balls, rivers glisten like enchanted waterfalls, and even the wind dances with a million tiny suns. Sounds magical, doesn’t it? But beneath this dazzling facade lies a troubling truth: the culprit behind this ethereal spectacle is not magic, but microplastics – specifically, the ubiquitous and often overlooked

How Decorative Glitter Contributes to Microplastic Pollution? Read More »